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Class Argument<T, U>

Base Command argument class that all argument types (operand, flag, option) inherit from

Type parameters

  • T

  • U = string | undefined








  • new Argument<T, U>(ident: U, value: any, raw?: ArgumentParseNode): Argument<T, U>



ident: U

The identifier for this argument. This will be the identifier specified in the Command's arguments specification within your custom commands.

NOTE: This is guaranteed to be a string for flags and options, but can be undefined for operands as extra, undeclared operands can be given and parsed

Optional raw

raw: ArgumentParseNode

The raw argument as returned from the argument parser for this argument. This will be undefined for non-required arguments that were unpassed.

The fields you can expect if present depend on the argument type, but can consist of the following:

    kind: number;
    index: number;
    ident?: string;
    type?: string;
    value?: string;
    long?: string;

NOTE: This is exposed mostly for use in error handling as the info it contains may be useful for your error output

Optional value

value: T

The value this argument holds. You can expect the type of the value to be whatever you specified when in the Command's arguments specification as long as there is a matching resolver for the specified type.

In the case of Flag type arguments, the value will always be a boolean

NOTE: The value can be undefined in cases of non-required operands and options, so be sure to use isSome() to check if the value is present before trying to access the value in your Commands. It's safe to assume the value is present in required arguments, however, as an error will be thrown (and hopefully handled) for missing required arguments so they will never be accessed with an undefined value. Typescript users can consider using Required<T> when accessing required arguments to eliminate the need to use isSome() like so:

const foo: Required<Operand<User>> = context.args.get('foo');
// foo.value is known to not be undefined at compile-time so we can safely
// access its fields without any errors



  • isSome(): this is Required<Argument<T, U>>

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