  • Command
  • Localization
  • Logger
  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type aliases


MiddlewareFunction: (commandContext: CommandContext, next: NextFunction) => void

Represents a middleware function for a specific command that can modify command dispatch behavior, enforce an execution rule, transform or add arguments, etc. Will be run after arguments have been parsed.

A middleware function must call next() in order for command execution to progress. If next() is not called, execution of the command will halt silently. Middleware functions can also pass Result.cancel() to next() to silently cancel execution.

If the middleware is designed to inhibit execution (Like a middleware that dictates what permissions the command caller should have in order to call the command), Result.error() should be returned with some type of error that can then be handled by the Command's onError() method or the global error handler.

NOTE: The above is only really important if you are designing a middleware to be used by others and you want others to choose how to handle the result of the middleware. If it's just a middleware for a personal bot, you can just handle the result in the middleware itself (like sending a response to discord, etc.)

Type declaration


NextFunction: (result?: Result) => void

Represents a the next function that is given to Command Rules and Middleware that will call the next Rule/Middleware in sequence to continue execution. Will cancel execution if given Result.cancel() or Result.error(). Result.ok() will allow Rules/Middleware/dispatch to continue. Defaults to Result.ok() if no Result is passed

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      Returns void


RuleFunction: (messageContext: MessageContext, next: NextFunction) => void

Represents a function that enforces a command dispatch rule or modifies dispatch behavior

Type declaration

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